Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Reactions to Ned Sublette

Our guest speaker Ned Sublette was an amusing and interesting character. He discussed many things, for one was the the origin of radio, internet and television and how they progressed and how depending on each country they are controlled to limit on what information is accessible to the public.
I didn't think about it is the cheapest form of media out there, all you need is a microphone and a transmitter and you can create your very own radio station!
A very interesting point that Ned talked about was the fact that people who actually lived in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina did not know it was coming and nor the ferocity of it. To the contrast, Cuba are well prepared for the hurricanes each year and the people know how to react and evacuate the area. Hard to believe when you hear about all the bad things about the Cuban government through the media when they can protect their people better than Americans can.

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