Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Describe what convergence has meant in your life and how it effects you.

Convergence has defiantly changed my life and how I do things and for many other people too. For example, by using one simple device like the ipone, we can watch movies, listen to music, read the latest news, shop, oh and make phone calls, and many more things!
Today, we are a world where speed is of the essence and information is readily available at the click of a mouse. As people we are becoming more and more demanding and are continuously looking for ways that will make our lives more convenient and in many ways better, such as not go out looking for a travel agency instead being able to book online.
However, since social websites such as Myspace and Facebook have been established we are more connected with people in a way that was not possible before although there is even more disconnection in the fact that some people are obsessed with those websites and prefer to communicate through them rather than socializing in person.

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