Monday, September 28, 2009

Advantages and disadvantages of satellite radio

One of the greatest advantages of satellite radio is that the shows are not interrupted by commercials as the provider's income comes from listeners and not from advertisers. Satellite radio offers many more channels which gives greater variety of choice, compared with terrestrial radio. Also as satellite radio is digital, you do not get static no matter where you go, instead giving a perfect sound. This also means that if for example you are traveling from east coast to west coast, you can listen to the same station without interruptions, whereas with traditional radio you will eventually lose signal along the way.
The disadvantages of satellite radio is the fact that you have to pay for it, where you can get radio simply for free. Also satellite radio does not offer local radio channels, therefore you cannot find out the news in your area. Another disadvantage of satellite radio is that there are only two providers of satellite radio service in the United States (XM and Sirius) and one worldwide provider (Worldspace). This then means that there are limited satellite radio service offerings.

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